Posted tagged ‘Marianne Williamson’

Why is Personal Growth Important?

August 7, 2011

teaching to fishTo me, personal growth is why we are put on this planet. It is the reason for living! There are some that tell me they are too busy, or they are happy with who they are today. Could that simply be excuses, fear or avoidance? It is good and fine to like who you are. But if you have no intention of growing or changing, that means you are stagnating and decaying. Those are the choices we are given; growth or decay.

Personal growth includes so many different aspects of life. It includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. And every little morsel counts. Even as in the picture, teaching a child to fish. There is learning, growing, caring, sharing, listening, interacting; all part of growing. As we grow as individuals we raise the bar for our species. We set an example of what can be. Who doesn’t want to do better? Who doesn’t want more peace and happiness? There is no happiness in lying, cheating, hoarding, judging, apathy and so on. So choose to find ways to do better than that, to rise above.

Many feel like they are in overwhelm and don’t know how or where to begin. It starts with the smallest of choices. Choose to do something kind for someone else and/ or yourself. Notice their reaction, notice how it makes you feel. That is what makes it easier to go on and do more.

  • Open a door.
  • Say thank you.
  • Offer someone else to go first before you.
  • Make a healthier food choice and notice the subtlety of how it affects you.
  • Do 5 minutes of slow belly breathing and quiet your mind.
  • Take a 5 minute walk in nature.
  • Listen to music that moves you, and maybe even try dancing to it.
  • Choose more positive media to expose yourself to.
  • Clean out a drawer, a file, your car…..
  • Ask someone how they are and truly listen with your whole heart.
  • Give someone else the benefit of the doubt. Until you have walked in their shoes, you can not know if you would do better.
  • When in judgement, ask yourself, is it possible that …  And consider at least 3 potential reasons or scenarios to broaden your perspective.
The very exciting thing is when you can see a business or organization that realizes this importance and promotes it from within. The potential for creativity, happiness and abundance becomes limitless. Like attracts like, so you become a magnet of all that is good. When difficulty does arise, view it as a positive challenge, a puzzle or mystery to be solved. Do this for yourself, promote it in your workplace.
Growth or decay – what is your choice?