Posted tagged ‘acknowldegement’

The Gift of Validation

May 27, 2011

I see youSo simple – and yet forgotten. We are a crazy busy society like a busy little beehive. Trying to squeeze so much into every little moment, too tired to even care for ourselves. People seem on autopilot running here and there, barely having time to say hello or ask “how are ya?”. Along with that ongoing busyness you can develop an ongoing cumulative deficit of attention and validation. It can suck the life out of you and leave you running on empty.

Along with the running and the lists, people have forgotten how to make eye contact. Just notice as you go throughout your day how many people no longer make eye contact, or when they do how awkward it may seem. There was a time where it was considered common courtesy along with an acknowledgement of ‘hello’. Today try making an effort of being the one to make contact, smiling and offer hello. Go the extra mile and listen to their story. That small effort can snowball into a movement. Some will be surprised – and then they will remember, “Oh yeah – we are all in this together, I matter.” And if you believe in Newtons law that every action has an equal or greater reaction, you will see it come back to you multiplied, making it so worthwhile.

People unite in the gift of validation – I see you………. I hear you!

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