Posted tagged ‘fungal infections’

Healthcare – Is There a Fungus Among Us?

July 3, 2011

searching for a clueFungal infections can be very subtle, and unless they are life threatening or debilitating they generally go untreated. Over time with no treatment, people will become resigned that they have to accept it, it’s part of aging…. I have 2 links listed here with perfect examples of how serious it can become, how easily it is left undiagnosed, and how treatable it really is. I will add my own story to the list also. A relative of mine suffered from sinus infections for many years. Took plenty of antibiotics to treat, til they became allergic to four different drug families! Then they had sinus surgery. Seemed better, for a while any way. Then it all started up again. Throughout this whole time they also took sinus meds day and night to be functional and comfortable. They did their own research and thought they might have a fungal infection. Mentioned it to their MD with no success. Finally after 20+ years, they met a naturopath, and that was the first thing she reported – “You have had a fungal infection for a very long time”.  After 3 months of treatment and support with supplements, no fake or processed sugar, and limited natural sugar, the infection was gone. Yay! The naturopath was also able to explain many other symptoms that were all related to the fungal infection.

To healthcare providers; please take note, do some research, and if your clinic doesn’t support or treat this, then find a local practitioner that does whom you can refer to. There is nothing wrong with a really good referral – in fact your patients will love you for it! No single practioner usually does it all. So referrals are not uncommon and patients usually come back happy as a clam.

To patients; please be your own advocate. It is important to follow your instincts, listen to your body and do some of your own research. If your doctor isn’t listening or does not know what to do next, there is nothing wrong with asking around for a good referral. Sometimes you may have to go to an alternative practitioner such as a chiropractor, nutritionist, naturopath or acupunturist. And be prepared that the recommendations may be different from what you are accustomed to. Have patience, follow through and don’t give up!

If you have had a fungal infection for a long time, it can take a while to get it under control. It also may have caused significant damage that will need time to repair. From the attached stories, you will see the serious consequences of non-treatment. Make a commitment to yourself, and to your better health!

2 Case Studies:

Is Hidden Fungus Making You Ill?

If We Ignore It, Will It Just Go Away?